WOW Feelings

signs for success

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Product Code : SKU-ip003

Price : £4.99 Incl p & p

This book includes a range of signs for baby's feelings. All babies want to express that they're happy, sad, hungry, sleepy or loving and to share these emotions with you.

How Do I use this?

Sit with the children opposite you and the open book leaning against your tummy;

  • Point to Wow and make the sign as you smile and say "happy"
  • Encourage your child or children to join in by repeating the sign. If they don't want to, please don't worry as they will in their own time.
  • During the day, use the sign in other situations. "What a lovely smile. You're happy." (Show their happy faces reflected in a mirror)
  • "I'm happy" as you dance round the room.
  • Look for, and share, smiley pictures in books and photo's.
  • Draw pictures with smiley faces and write the word "happy" beneath. Point to the "happy face" and sign and say the word.

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  • "By giving a child a sign or symbol, it enhances their ability to communicate and develop intellectually, and I think the other thing it does is it really helps the child-parent bond. They're both invested in the situation, they're both attending, they're both connected."Alice Stroutsos, Speech-Language Pathologist
  • "By nine months, Megan was signing "sleep, eat, drink". It’s been phenomenal. She would stop crying when I signed something she wanted. I have been allowed into her world so much earlier."Erica Hewetson, Megan's mother
  • "I asked the children to tell me what day it was, he signed Tuesday and then said it. This was the first time I had heard him speak and indeed, it was Tuesday. WOW!"Teresa Kitto, Playgroup Leader
