Sign-a-Story Tutor Resource
Product Code : SKU-ic008
For further information, please
Sign-a-Story aims to equip Early Years Practitioners, Tutors and Teachers with the skills to roll out Sign-a-Story sessions for parents and children to support the language development of babies and children.
Signs for Success will provide a quotation upon request for Training and a customised Sign-a-Story Tutor Resource. Tutors will use the Resource to support parents and practitioners or to set up the course in a college, training centre or workplace environment.
The "Sign-a-Story" Resource will be of interest to organisations, boroughs, schools, nurseries, libraries and individual parent trainers.
It follows on from the highly successful "Signing to advance Speech, Language and Communication" course which qualifies child-care professionals and parents to become Parenting Tutors and teach the "Sign-a-Story" programme.
Also brilliant for sharing signing and storytelling skills with the whole staff! Why keep your special expertise to yourself?
Please contact Signs for Success who will arrange a programme to suit your specific requirements.
Who can become a Parenting Tutor?
Early Years Practitioners, Teachers, Librarians and Individuals such as Parents or Speech Therapists who have studied one of our programmes or have signing and storytelling experience. Great for offering something “extra” to children and parents individually or together.
How much does the Tutor Pack cost?
For further information, please contact:
Could this be a staff training programme?
A resounding Yes!
I need more information
Please contact Signs for Success who will arrange a programme to suit your specific requirements.
The family moved from Albania to Birmingham with Dad the only family member to speak any English. The children attended the local inner city school and as the years went on the number of children in their family increased to six, all living in a high rise flat overlooking the school. Read more...
Feedback from Lead Tutor in Birmingham:
Mere Green School had 14 families regularly attending the workshops. Parent's responses were extremely positive with requests for more sessions and parents taking their learning into other areas – for example one parent shared her signs with the playgroup her younger child attends.
Merrishaw School. Lead practitioner is carrying out training with the rest of the staff on a future training day so they can keep the sessions going. They had 2 deaf parents who came to the sessions and the staff have commented on the huge impact it has had on breaking down barriers between hearing and non- hearing parents. They also commented on the way in which it raised the confidence of the deaf parents as they were able to share a skill with the other parents.
St Vincent's Primary School. Great attendance for the catchment. One parent who is illiterate in both home language and English was persuaded to come. By the final session she was making her own props and story telling a story she remembered her mother telling her as a little girl. She is now coming in to school to sign and tell the story to the whole class as part of a cultural celebration - an AMAZING achievement for her and the school is delighted!
Feedback from Parents who attended the courses:
- I have learnt ways to improve the way we share stories at home
- I have spent more time talking to my child at home
- I feel more confident approaching my child's setting than I did before the course
- I know more about phonics than I did before the course
- I am able to help my child hear the sounds in words using fingerspelling
- I feel more confident in my own language or literacy
- I feel more confident that I can help my child to develop their language, reading, writing and spelling skills
- I have tried some of the activities suggested at home
- I have used signs at home to help my child's behaviour
- I would like to continue to use signs to help my child
- I am interested in learning more about signing with young children
- I would like to know more about improving my own English or maths
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